F-1 First Semester SEVIS Registration

This form is used to collect information required for your new student registration in the SEVIS immigration system. 

* denotes a required field

Your Information

Your US Contact Information

Please provide us with the US Address where you are living.
GVSU Housing Physical Addresses

Emergency Contact Information of a Family Member

Visa Stamp

Sample image of visa stamp with opposing page


Sample image of I-94 document

Regulations for F-1 International Students
  • In compliance with the United States Citizenship, Immigration and Naturalization Service, (USCIS), Undergraduate international students are required to carry no fewer than 12 credit hours each semester and have two semesters to achieve a 2.00 grade point average. Graduate international students are required to carry no fewer than 9 credit hours each semester and have one semester to achieve the appropriate grade point average. For that reason, students must have the written approval of the Director of International Student and Scholar Services before adding, dropping, or changing classes. Failure to meet these guidelines may result in dismissal from Grand Valley State University and USCIS will be notified that the student is out of status.
  • Students on F-1 status are permitted to work on campus up to a maximum of 20 hours per week. Upon arrival in Grand Rapids, students should check online (MILLY) for available positions. You will be provided the necessary paperwork you will need to apply for a social security card. Other work options are available after graduation, or if required by your major. Please see Director of International Student and Scholar Services for details.
  • Students changing their address are required to submit their new address to USCIS on form AR-11 and to update their address online for GVSU, using the Banner system. This needs to take place within 10 days of moving. You may find the immigration form AR-11 at www.uscis.gov.
  • Any student wishing to leave the country for either travel or vacation must have the back of their I-20 endorsed by the Designated School Official. Please allow a minimum of 2 days for this signature. It is the responsibility of the student to make sure that the I-20 has this signature and each signature is good for one year from the indicated date. There will not be problems for the student to leave the country, but without the signature, reentry may not be granted.
  • Detailed regulations are available at the United States Citizenship, Immigration and Naturalization Web Site: www.uscis.gov

Please confirm that you have read the regulations outlined above. *

Your Signature
Please draw your signature to the best of your ability. *

By signing you confirm:

  • that these are true copies of your original documents
  • that you have read and agree to comply with the F-1 Regulations
  • that you understand that not complying with the above regulations will result in a violation of your immigration status
  • that you have been informed that your information will be released to Immigration through the SEVIS system

Human Verification *

Page last modified January 3, 2025